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Discuss the upcoming Swedish Days Ride
Dick Young Forest Preserve, Batavia, Illinois
Meet at the Nelson Lake Road entrance.
Dick Young Forest Preserve comprises some 178 acres of the region’s greatest wetlands, woodlands and prairie, creating a setting that supports a diverse ecosystem of plant and endangered species.
Meet at the Nelson Lake Road entrance.Take Main Street in Batavia west to Nelson Lake Road. Take Nelson Lake Road south to Dick Young Forest Preserve parking lot.
Distance: approximately 4.0 miles. Pace: 3.0 MPH
In-Towne Storage
St. Charles
Load club gear from our locker.
Transport to fairgrounds & set up.
Kane County Fairgrounds
Main Building
Our first event to promote the Swedish Day Ride and our Club.
Open to the public this is a great place to pick up some good bargains too!
Recreational hike, 4-5 miles, gravel paths. The 595-acre St. James Farm Forest Preserve in Warrenville contains more than 100 acres of woodlands, prairies and wetlands.
Address: 2S541 Winfield Rd, Warrenville, IL 60555. Meet in the parking lot by the horse barns and visitor center. Rest rooms available inside visitors center.